- Patented 5x Ratio Drive™ system affords superior 10 nm XY resolution at 64 u-step/full step
- Coincident rotation center out in front of stage enabling 90 degree setups
- Patented inline actuators on X,Y & Z axes provide ease of access.
- Precision manual micrometers on Roll, Yaw and Pitch.
- Small footprint allows multiple unit workstations.
- External Stepping Motor Controllers for maximum performance and flexibility
- Damped exterior shell design provides superior vibration and touch insensitivity.
- Lightweight aluminum construction allows system to be moved easily by other motion equipment.
- High mechanical stiffness affords rugged and stable base system.
- Patented linear dual flexure Z offers frictionless repeatable straight travel.
- Dual flexure Yaw and Pitch stages provide extreme resolution without arc error.
The following accessories are included:
Qty 1, X-MCC3 Universal 3-Axis drive controller
Qty 1, PS14-48V37 Power supply, 48Vdc, 3.75 Amp output
Qty 1, U-DC06 6 ft. cable, USB, A-B, Black ROHS
Qty 1, 6 ft. cable, AC power (Region specific), ) black IEC320 - (shown as NEMA 5-15P)
Qty 1, Actuator Cable Clamp (3 Cables), mounting bolts (Qty 2) for optical table (Metric or Imperial)
U6S Ultra XYZ/RYP Semi-Automated Positioner (XY/10nm Z/50nm)