The Luminos Edge Coupled “T” Alignment System is configurable for through-channel optical alignment of single channel and multiple channel fiber arrays, to various planar waveguide substrates. The “T” configuration denotes the use of Input & Output alignment stages with fiber holders, and a Center stage with a substrate holder, such as a vacuum part holder.
The high stiffness and stability of Luminos Positioners makes ultra-precise alignments possible. Luminos dual compensated flexure systems allow for manual or automated alignment of assemblies with mode fields as small as 1-2µm. The complete Luminos Edge Coupled "T" Alignment System as shown is available for your application for less than the cost of a typical isolation station.

Featured Configuration

I6000 6-Axis XYZ/RYP Manual Positioners, Qty 2
I3000 3-Axis XYZ Axis Linear Positioner
ADP001 3 Axis to 5/6 Axis Adaptor Block
VPH007 Vacuum Part Holder (shown with 5mmx5mmx1.0mm substrate)
FH003-S-1 Fiber Holder, Standard Right
FH003-M-1 Fiber Holder, Mirrored Left
CSS Contact Sensing System, Qty 2
LINR300 Linos 40x300mm Mounting Rail
LINR150 LInos 40x150mm Mounting Rail
LINRC-STG-SI Linos 40mm Wide Rail Carrier, Type: Stage, includes adaptor, Qty 3
BP006 380x380x25mm solid aluminum Base Plate